Inspired by the ancient recipe of Hiroemon Takeda, the renowned Samurai and Japanese Sake connoisseur, Hiro is crafted by our own Toji (Master Brewer) using only specially polished rice from the Murakami plain in the Niigata Region. Hiro Red is a new premium Japanese Sake that bridges the heritage of the past with the way we drink today.
• Hiro: Sake made simple
• Handcrafted, made and bottled in Japan by Taiyo Shuzo est. 1635
• Made with Gohyakumangoku rice, a top 25 sake rice found in Japan
• Junmai sake: pure rice alcohol
• Naturally gluten free, preservative free and low in sugar
• Low in calories: 39 calories per ounce
• Hiro is a super-premium Japanese sake made with highly polished rice: milling rate of the original rice is 60% for Hiro Red Junmai
Bottle Size: 720ml